January Meeting
Our next meeting is January 19th @ Vernon Public Library, 2800 – 30th Avenue, Vernon. 12:00 noon. New members welcomed!

Fostering interest in and knowledge of poultry, waterfowl and fancy pigeons.
Our next meeting is January 19th @ Vernon Public Library, 2800 – 30th Avenue, Vernon. 12:00 noon. New members welcomed!
Warm wishes to all from the VPPC executive! Stay tuned for more information on our upcoming season!
Our next meeting is on Sunday, September 24th at 11:00am. We will be meeting at the Halina Center in the Club Room. We hope to see you there. New members are always welcome.
Fall Featherfest is just around the corner. (Oct 13-15) Here is all the important information. Scroll to the bottom of the page to locate the show entry forms. Click on the“blue” text or on the “download” button to download the forms.
Please find below information we have been asked to distribute by the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food would like to provide the following information and resources for small flock owners following the recent detections of Avian Influenza (AI) in the United States and Canada. To date, in B.C. there has been one detection of Avian Influenza in a bald eagle found February 3rd in Stanley Park. AI can be transmitted directly from bird to bird through secretions and feces, and indirectly through human movement, contaminated feed, water, and equipment. Due to the threat and risks associated with AI, increased attention has been drawn to the ongoing need to protect domestic poultry through the effective use of on-farm biosecurity measures.
Premises ID information is used to plan for and manage emergencies affecting livestock. There is no cost to participate in the program. For more information please visit: Premises ID – Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca)
For more information about the disease and detections please visit: Avian influenza (bird flu) – Canadian Food Inspection Agency (canada.ca).
The following Ministry publications are available to small flock owners:
• 2022 Wild Bird info sheet (attached)
• https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/agriculture-and-seafood/animal-and-crops/animal-production/small_flock_manual.pdfCAHSS (Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System) Update on HPAI and Small Flock Poultry (March 15, 2022) – webinar information is at the bottom of this website: https://cahss.ca/cahss-networks/smallholders
Other Factsheets/ Other Resources:
• CAHSS Disease Alerts page: https://cahss.ca/cahss-tools/disease-alerts
• CFIA factsheet for small flock owners: https://inspection.canada.ca/animal-health/terrestrial-animals/diseases/backyard-flocks-and-pet-birds/eng/1323643634523/1323644740109
• PIC Biosecurity page with recorded webinars on HPAI: https://www.poultryindustrycouncil.ca/resources/biosecurity-and-diseaseUpcoming Events:
• PIC Small Flock HPAI updates: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5PboflSGSaW_34PJ_CzUhA
• CAHSS Events page with HPAI and other events postings: https://cahss.ca/about/eventsChristina Forbes BSc, P.Ag | Livestock Industry Specialist
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Phone Number: 236-766-7057| c: 250-306-7452
Email: Christina.Forbes@gov.bc.caGeneric Email: AgriServiceBC@gov.bc.ca
Be sure to check out the VPPC Facebook page!