2011 Fall FeatherFest & Canadian National Poultry Show

Show Committee Co-Chairpersons:  Heather Hayes and Dudley DeLeenheer

Show Report Submitted by Dudley Deleenheer 

The 2011 American Poultry Association Canadian National show took place in Armstrong, B.C. on November  5th. and 6th.   The show was sponsored by the Vernon Pigeon and Poultry Club with nearly 900 birds entered.  This is the fourth time this National show has been held in Canada.  The first one was in Abbotsford, B.C., then it moved to Ontario for year two and New Brunswick for year three. 

Heather Hayes is the APA Director for this region and submitted a bid for the show on behalf of our club.  In preparation for the big show, we held a dry run last year in the same facility to try things out.  This year we decided to hold the show earlier –nearly a month- to encourage more exhibitors to come from more distant locations with the prospect of better driving conditions. The earlier time evidently worked well as we had exhibitors from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.  One entry was sent air freight from Ontario.  British Columbia was particularly well represented with entries coming from the north, the Okanagan Valley, the Fraser Valley and a large contingent from Vancouver Island.

The show venue was an arena on the Interior Provincial Exhibition fairgrounds.  Hassen Arena is spacious, easily accessible and centrally located in Armstrong.  We received lots of positive comments on the show setup with Champion Row in the middle and rows of cages extending out from it on either side.  Lighting was good in the show hall that also featured a bird sale area, raffle, silent auction and Chicken Plop Poker.  A local church group set up a concession that provided a variety of home-cooked food all day Saturday and on Sunday morning.  Coop-in was from 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Friday and early on Saturday morning. 

The show consisted of 600 bantams, large chickens, ducks, geese , and turkeys.  There were also about 250 pigeons entered in the show.  Judging of poultry and waterfowl was shared by Jim Sallee of California and Brian Decker of Washington.  Perry Waldner  from Saskatchewan judged the pigeons.  The largest bantam class was Old English, numbering 115.  More than 70 bantam ducks were also entered  in the show.  Bird talk was heard everywhere as exhibitors and visitors seemed to be really enjoying themselves!

A banquet took place upstairs in the show hall on Saturday evening  featuring a roast beef dinner with all the trimmings.  Nearly 70 people attended the banquet.  Afterwards, two Canadian fanciers were honored by the APA prior to the presentation of major awards.  Heather Hayes and Casey Vandemeer were the honorees with Jim Sallee presenting to Heather and Rico Sebastianelli speaking on behalf of Casey who was not able to attend. At the banquet, each of the judges commented on the birds and their judging experiences of the day. 

 Coop out took place soon after the building was opened on Sunday morning as many exhibitors had significant distances to drive home.  Many positive comments were received by co-chairpersons Heather Hayes and Dudley DeLeenheer on Saturday from exhibitors and visitors to the show. All in all, a successful venture.  Special thanks to all exhibitors and volunteers!

Special Meets

American Poultry Association National Meet

American Bantam Association Meet

Old English Game Club of America

Cochins International

Chantecler Fanciers

International Waterfowl Breeders Assoc.

Modern Game Bantam Club of America

Rhode Island Red Club of America