2017 IPE Poultry Show

Another successful run for the IPE!

The 118th Interior Provincial Exhibition in Arm

Show Champion
Black OE Cock
by Dudley DeLeenheer

strong, B.C. was held on August 30 – September 3, 2017.  Attendance was up slightly to 151,000 persons during the 5 day fair.  The weather this year was warm to hot with considerable smoke coverage most days.  Obviously this did not keep fairgoers away!  Several large fans were installed in the barn to help keep the birds somewhat more comfortable….fairgoers, too.

Entries in the pigeon and poultry division were up over last year.  Including 28 dozen eggs entered to be judged, there were a total of 375 entries.  The majority of birds were bantam chickens, followed closely by standard chickens.  Included in these numbers were waterfowl, guinea hens, turkeys and pigeons.  Ramona Trombley from Vancouver Island judged the poultry and waterfowl while Frank Seip judged the pigeons and Guenther Rieger judged the eggs.

The Vernon Pigeon and Poultry Club has run the show now from 1965.  This includes setting the show up, accepting entries, decorating and supervising the show for the five days of the fair.  Early morning feeding, watering and cleaning set things up for a barn full of spectators every day of the fair.  A special corner of the show was set aside for one of our Club members who had baby chicks and ducklings for people to hold and pet.  This was one of the busiest areas of the barn with many families waiting in line for a turn.

Coop out took place on Sunday evening followed by a partial take-down of the show.  Fortunately lots of Club members were available on Monday morning to complete the job and the last of the volunteers got away before noon.  All in all it was a very successful show. Below are some photos of the major winners.

Reserve Show Champion
White Chantecler Cock
by McGood Poultry                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Show Champion Pigeon
Show Homer
by Chester Lompart
Res. Ch. Large Fowl
Black Australorp Pullet
by Chester Lompart
Res. Ch. Waterfowl
East Indie B. Duck
by Evelyn Hill                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Res. Champion Pigeon
and Best by a Junior
English Trumpeter
by Arianna Thiessen                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Champion Waterfowl
White Indian Runner Duck
by Geoff Wild


Res. Champion Bantam
Porcelain Booted Hen
by Louisa Nicholls